Enrolment in the kindergarten takes effect following the acceptance of an offer of a place from the waiting list and payment of the confirmation fee. An offer for a kindergarten place will be made in term 3 in the year prior to your child’s attendance at the centre. Offers are made via email from Kidsoft.
For those that have been offered a place, an orientation night is held in mid November. During this evening the Kindy will provide you with information about what to expect during your time at kindy. You will be also be given an enrolment pack which includes the parent handbook.
After the orientation night, you will be able to arrange a suitable time for you and your child to attend an interview at the centre. Your interview will take place during a group play time. The interview gives the opportunity for your child and teacher to meet prior to their first day of kindergarten and for you to discuss any issues or concerns with your teacher.