Camp Hill Kindergarten fees are invoiced per term to be paid by the first week of each of the 4 kindergarten terms.

The fee notice is issued prior to each term.

Payment options are via electronic bank transfer into the Camp Hill Kindergarten bank account. (No credit card facilities are available).

Currently, a Membership Fee of $11/family and a Confirmation of Enrolment Fee – $100/child are payable on acceptance of your child’s place at the centre. This fee is not refundable.

FeesKindergarten program. Kindergarten, known as kindy, is a part-time educational program for children in the year before Prep. The Queensland Government announced in June 2023 its commitment to provide free kindergarten to all eligible-aged children, which will continue in 2025. The Queensland Kindergarten Funding Scheme will remove cost as a barrier to accessing quality kindergarten programs, providing all families with 15 hours a week (600 hours a year) of free kindergarten (i.e one kindergarten program). This significant and welcome announcement will provide all Queensland families with affordable and equitable access to kindergarten. To be eligible your child must turn 4 by 30 June in the year they attend and this service must be nominated as your kindergarten funding provide. 

For those attending the 3-day kindergarten program, there will be a fee as only 30 hours of the 36 hours per fortnight will be free. Fees for this program for 2025 will be $510 per term payable per term. 

Fees are set out on the “Fees Schedule”


Feespre-kindergarten program.  Fees are charged for the pre-kindy program as it is not an approved kindergarten program.

Fees for 2025 for the pre-kindy (3 year old program) are $650 per term.  

There are no additional subsidies available for our programs. This centre is not registered for CCS.


All fees are due and payable for each term, 14 days after issue of fees notice. There are 4 terms in a kindergartne year.

In the event that the government subsidy is no longer available each family will be required to pay the full fee.

If you wish to withdraw your child, the kindergarten requires 2 weeks notice or fees in lieu of notice.


For more fee information please visit Fees tab on our C&K Camp Hill web page.